Important Values You Should Teach Your Child

Parenting is not just about taking care of your little one’s physical growth, but it’s actually more than that. You have to start inculcating right values from the start itself, to get good results in the future. It’s like you are planting the seeds of values, and the better you will sow, the better results you will get. You have to constantly water it and nurture it. Even though you will bear fruits afterwards, the roots will be more deep and fruitful.

Values you must teach your kids

In today’s world it is essential to teach your children right values so they can influence the world in a better way.You should start at very young age however, it is best to teach them as preschoolers, so it becomes a natural part of their personality. Here are some values you must teach your kids from the early stage itself – 


Teach your kid to respect each and everyone around them, including little plants and animals  Respect is another vital value to teach your child at very early stage.Many parents focus only on respecting their elders and forget about the rest. However, it is your responsibility to teach your children to respect everyone, no matter what age, race, religion, or status they may be. 


Encourage your kid to admit their mistakes and love them even if they have failed at something.If your child lies to you, try not to overreact or yell at them.Just sit him down and communicate the importance of being honest.Always appreciate their honesty if they confide in you.Positive reinforcement of good behaviors helps the behavior to continue. 


Try giving your child responsibilities from the young age itself. You can ask them for help during dinner time or for any other household activities. Responsibility makes kids feel good and responsible about their own actions and themselves.


Teach your kid the value of sharing and make them understand the feeling and happiness a person gets after sharing things .As infants grow into young children, they become possessive about their things. Some children find sharing easier than others. A good way to encourage sharing attitude can be role-playing games such as tea parties.


Demonstrate your love and affection for the people in your life ,so that they can learn from you. Appreciate their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.The more hugs and kisses you give, the more your home will be filled with love and affection. Let your children feel free to express their love to you, so that we can instill the greatest value in them.

Show love in unusual ways as well, Leave a note in their lunch, leave a note in their books or put a heart on their bedroom door. The more you give and show love, soon it will become a regular part of their day.


Make sure that your little never misbehaves with anyone around you, and with this being said, teach them the importance and benefit of being disciplined too!


Teach your kids to face their fears with courage. If you do everything for your children, they will have a hard time to discover their potential. You will not always be there with them in situations ,even though you want to protect your child . So help them develop courage.


As a child grows, they need to develop the value of gratitude. It will help them to have a more positive outlook on life if nothing else.The preschool years are the perfect time for teaching them appreciation of everything they have in life. Encouraging them to say thank you for their birthday presents .

Ways to Cultivate Values in kids –

Children learn values by watching their parent. Hence it is so important to set a good example for them.

Through stories

There are a lot of stories available in the market that carry short yet meaningful messages of life. Hence, choose a story that not only illustrates values in different ways, but also ask your kid what they actually learned from the story at the end

Real-life examples

Real-life examples are the best way to cultivate values in kids. Hence, try discussing stories about families and relatives during bedtime or mealtime. But make sure that whenever you will be telling any story to your little one, they are relaxed enough to hear the story and understand it completely

Model the behavior you want

A child’s greatest role model is their parents and relatives itself. Hence try to admit your shortcomings in front of your little one be it any right thing or the wrong one. Also, be mindful about your behavior, action, words and attitudes in front of your children because all of these contradict the values we have set for the family. 

Lastly, you can even have a family mission statement to track everyone’s values at home.Let the little one knows that these values are the gold standard in our homes and lives.

This year, I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  powered by 

I am writing 26 post in this series .Do check my earlier post

U:Good touch vs bad touch: How to make your child understand


14 Replies to “Important Values You Should Teach Your Child

  1. Kids look up to their parents. Tbey may seem engrossed in their world but they mirror the actions of their parents and parents need to be good role models for them. Well elaborated
    Deepika Sharma

  2. You know what, Jyoti. Most parents teach these values to their kids. But times have changed so much. The effect of the media, internet and peer pressure they are unlearning all this and imbibing all negative values. It is so difficult to have them retain the values we taught them

  3. Excellent points and something all parents must consciously work towards. They learn from example, what better reason than walking the talk?

  4. Imbibing the right values is certainly not an easy task. With a lot of exposure to the external and virtual world, kids tend to pick from everything they come across. But our responsibility is to keep trying by all the possible means. Being their role models, telling stories, and spending quality time with them definitely helps.

  5. Moms are the first value imbibers and they learn from parents first especially by observing. Will be linking your post to mine today as I also wrote about how a mom is value imbiber for her kids. The values you listed are the basic requirements. Well-written post.

  6. That’s a simple and concise list of how to imbibe values in children. Mothers play an important role in the development of the child, this article is quite helpful.

  7. Giving your kids the right value is very important, I loved the pointers and yes one thing which is very important to teach them is Empathy and gratitude!!

  8. Bang on Pointers makes kids learn about the right value to live a happy and dignified life. Well said, story-telling, real-life examples are the best way to sow the seed of values in the kids and that too from the very young age.

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