Publication of my E book “A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting “

I am really thankful to the universe that I finally got opportunity to publish my first e book “A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting ” in association with @blogchatter

It has been an amazing journey from participating in blogchatterA2Z challenge to the E book launching. I would love to share some behind the scene action of this incredible journey of writing this book and publishing in association with #Blogchatterebook carnival. Hoping you will like it.  

Planning for participation in #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 

After giving a lot of thought I decided to participate in the #A2Z blogger challenge. This was my first time , so I am a bit nervous and excited at the same time. I was struggling to decide the theme but finally decided on a theme I can totally relate to. After finalizing the theme, I did proper planning and drafted my few posts in advance to avoid end moment rush. But still it was challenging to daily read other’s bloggers post and engage. My blog traffic ranking also improved a lot during this time and I met lot of like minded bloggers.

Planning for participation in #BlogchatterEbook

Once I completed the Atoz Challenge, I got good amount of resources to convert in to E book. But frankly Speaking I underestimated the work and formatting needed for the E book. Selection of the cover page, font style, chapter modification all needed so much time and work.

I went through all my post again and changed few chapters ,as I wanted to elaborate further. After all the hustles I finally submitted my E book on last day of submission.

Introduction to my E book “A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting ”

Now, a brief information about my book with some important details.

Here is the brief about the book.  

Name of book: A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting (Parenting tips and tricks to handle newborn and toddlers)

Author- Jyoti Kaur

Genre– Parenting

Pages– 64

Available on– Blogchatter website for free download (for limited period of time)  


The book is a collection of all the parenting related issues, queries and solutions that I experienced till my child was a toddler. I have addressed the issues in the form of tips, tricks and strategies. My only aim to write this book is to give new parents easy tips and confidence to get over the problems at hand, whether it is child related, their own physical transition or emotional trauma. The book insists on Effective Parenting by thinking differently about every situation, taking things calmly, and preparing new moms for the life ahead.

Here is link to download it for free: 

This book is part of the Blogchatter’s E Book Carnival 

A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting (Parenting tips and tricks to handle newborn and toddlers)

If you liked the subject and find it informative and useful, please download the book .


5 Replies to “Publication of my E book “A To Z Tips for Effective Parenting “

  1. Firstly congrats for your book. I have read snippets of it and I have really found it useful so for sure I am downloading it for self and also sharing it with my friends too.

  2. This is such a wonderful milestone for writer and this only means moving forward and creating your way to more such milestones.
    Some really great parenting insights

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