Book review : Hola Summer by Sindhu Vinod Narayan

Book name: HOLA SUMMER! Your go-to summer skincare guide

Genera: non-fiction, health, self-care

Author: Sindhu Vinod Narayan

Format: eBook

Book summary

In the eBook HOLA SUMMER! Your go-to summer skincare guide, the author Sindhu Vinod Narayan aims to inform readers of the common summer skin problems and remedies in an easy-to-read and follow format. From bringing the regular problems almost every
individual has faced to expertly explaining how different ingredients work on the skin, this book is truly a gem to read.

The remedies given by Sindhu in this book show how she has been searching for the information for long. In fact, the way Sindhu has put out the benefits of good skincare habits has pushed me to bring some changes in my lifestyle.

But just how good is HOLA SUMMER! Your go-to summer skincare guide? Do other skincare fanatics must read it? Did it live up to my expectations? Let’s check it!

About the Author

Sindhu Vinod Narayan is a passionate social media influencer and a popular freelance content writer. Even while working in the IT industry, she always had a passion for writing.
Her love for writing made her quit the job, and just after quitting she didn’t fail to complete her “The Madras Mom’ dream. Apart from writing her heart out, Sindhu is a mother of two lovely kids, she takes care of her home, and quite often writes about her parenting experience, fashion, and skincare. What makes me adore her experience more is that she is one of the top voices of anchor podcasters, and in the near future she will even enter into YouTube to share her life experiences.

My take on the book

I recently got an opportunity to read out this book, and the knowledge I got through it is something I would love to share with everyone. The theme of the book revolves around summer skin problems. As I mentioned previously, the scorching heat out there during summers can lead to issues like folliculitis, acne breakouts, and the worst skin cancer. And in the recent scenario, since everyone is busy with their own chores, taking care of skin truly gets a daunting task. In fact, while reading this book I discovered that giving vital nutrients to our body is not difficult at all, almost all the ingredients are already available in every Indian kitchen. For example, the face packs the author has mentioned like curd and rice flour, turmeric and honey, curd and turmeric, and so on are extremely easy to make and apply. And here, I think I have already tried a few of those packs.

impressively, the author has brought out the initial thought in great length, so well throughout the book, starting from problems, and prevention, to remedies, the author has literally covered everything. The impressive feature that I liked the most was the section covering the concept of body heat. The author has mentioned factors contributing
to body heat, and some easy ways to keep the body temperature cool.

And yet another impressive aspect of this eBook is, that while reading each chapter/section the reader gets plenty of useful tips and information for dealing with day to day skin problems. Sindhu has undoubtedly put in lots of effort and has given the best, easy-to-follow advice for solving and dealing with common skin problems.

Book Availability Hurry up, grab your copy, you will get a free download by clicking on the link below

Hola Summer by Sindhu Vinod Narayan

This book is part of the Blogchatter’s E Book Carnival and I have also published my ebook (Download now)

Parenting Tweens by Jyoti Kaur


12 Replies to “Book review : Hola Summer by Sindhu Vinod Narayan

  1. Thats a wonderful topic. I am a big fan of home made skin care products. Sindhu is a wonderful influencer. Her blog, youtube channel, podcast tells her interest in this field. I will surely download its copy.

  2. Wow this one i have to check out. Easy home remedies to take care of skin is a good thing. Sindhu, great job. And Jyothi so nice of you to review the book.

  3. I am so happy that Sindhu bought this book and now the skincare routine is on hands. Thanks for sharing the awesome review.

  4. Sindhu shares great skincare tips on her blog and I’ve read and followed few of them. This book will be a good guide for summer skincare.

  5. I have been following Sindhu on her YouTube channel and she share some valuable tips which is doable. Will grab my copy soon as skin care routine is must especially during summers to keep it healthy.

  6. I have to read this book for sure. I am always looking for good home skin care routines to manage my skin. Great job Sindhu and thanks for the review Jyoti.

  7. Sindhu has always given tips that are doable and glad to know that all are covered under one book. Have downloaded the book, your review is made me to pick the book to read soon.

  8. This sounds like an interesting book full of facts and useful information, especially for the indian skin dealing with indian summer.
    home remedies are definitely the future as far as i am concerned as we consciously move away from chemicals and store bought things.

  9. Lovely review of such a wonderful book. I really don’t understand how women buy expensive pots of creams and lotions which have artificial ingredients. Like Sindhu has listed out, I have always used stuff from my kitchen. It is so easy actually. When you slice a cucumber, take one and rub it on ur face and neck, same with tomato and so on.

  10. I should get my hands on this book immediately! The hot summers of Rajasthan has ruined my skin and this book is just what I need. The fact that it has practical tips, makes it all the more appealing! Thanks for recommending Hola Summer.

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