How social media affect teens Mental Health

Several studies have been organized with an aim to analyze the influential hindrance of social media in teens mental health . Around 40% teen age girls and 20% boys are reported to be online for almost 6  to 7 hours per day on different social media platforms. This digital wandering  and exposure to unnecessary information comes up with several side effects.

Statistics show that around 13% of teenagers suffer from depression and  somewhere about 35% report mental illness and acute anxiety attacks who  are very actively connected with social media platforms.

How Social Media Affects Teens Mental health

Social media is one of the most popular things in these times and has a great impact on our day-to-day life. With the growing technology and advancement, everyone has access to the internet including teenagers. Being still in their developing stages, social media can impact the mind of a teenager more than any grown-up.

According to research,13% to 66% of teenagers and adults using social media are at greater risk of falling into depression than others. Not only health-related problems but social media also has its own social issues which are important to be addressed. Teenagers are connected more to the people on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, and are less interested in their families. 

Following are some of the ways in which social media affects teen mental health.

Cyberbullying plays major role in teen’s mental health

One of the greatest impacts of social media on the mind of teenagers is due to cyberbullying. Social media is accessible to everyone and thus can turn into a nightmare for the mental health of your kid. Cyberbullying impacts the mind to a level that might lead to suicidal thoughts.

Fake friends

Friendships are something that usually nourishes the mind of a person however if those friendships are fake, they also have the power of draining out all the energy from a person. Social media is a great source of making friends these days. With it is increasing the risk of fake friends that invade the privacy of teens and lead to blackmailing. Such things have a serious impact on the mental health of your teenager which might lead to depression or suicide in many cases. 

Social media has become a sensation nowadays. People of every age group are using social media. Social media has its own pros and cons but the cons are worth discussing. The addiction of it can be seen in teenagers especially.

Depression affect teens mental health

Social media not only causes physical health issues like weakness of vision but also mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Depression is a serious mental health problem that should not be neglected in any way. There are a lot of factors playing a role in causing depression in teenagers and social media is on the hit list. The only solution to the problem mentioned above is to limit the use of social media to a suitable extent that does not cause any physical, mental, or emotional harm to you.


Studies indicate that there is a correlation between social media engagement and time spent on these platforms with the symptoms of depression and  anxiety. Social media envy creates discontented behavior among youngsters and  ultimately raises the mental health issues that sometimes reach to its extreme situations in the form of suicides and murders. To overcome and deal with anxiety cases in teenagers we must not forget to include the probable constraints over the excessive use of these  platforms.

Fake rumors 

Social media can be a great way of staying updated but it can also be a dangerous thing. Many people spread false rumors on social media, either for fun or out of some personal jealousy. These fake rumors can harm the mental health of a teen since there is a tremendous risk of complete defaming. 

Social media can be a blessing if used properly. There are multiple ways of avoiding social media from damaging the mental health of a teen such as setting a time limit, keeping things private, keeping an open eye towards fake people, and most importantly, discussing with someone elder if things go bad. If used with great care, social media can be a great platform.

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‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter


17 Replies to “How social media affect teens Mental Health

  1. A very pertinent post, Social media is not good for our mental health. With youngsters the problem is even more severe as they are yet to attain maturity. It is great you have put spotlight on this problem

  2. This is very true but I feel its just not teenagers but everyone is being affected negatively by Social media. The internet has so much to teach us but we end up mostly with the negatives. It’s difficult for parents to keep a tab on teenagers, as well. Life is tough!

  3. I think that with social media everyone seems to be everybody else’s ‘BAE’ and I find it really funny! ‘Coz I know the reality behind the screens.
    What I struggle with the most though is the foul language that has become a norm on Social media.

  4. I think it is applicable for everyone. It is more predominant in teens because they seek more validation. The number of likes, comments etc play a huge role in feeling accepted by their friends. #MyepicaReads

  5. Social media comes with a lot of responsibility and teenagers aren’t aware of a lot of them. Their mental health must be given prominence with proper guidance.

  6. Much needed post especially during this pandemic when the screen time has increased by several folds. You have mentioned few good points that can help young minds to refrain from over usage or indulgence .

  7. Social mediA has deep effect on the mental health of all age groups but as you have pointed out the effects on teen mental health is concerning. Because they are yet to learn to discern between virtual and real.

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