Hydroponic Farming – Better for Sustainable environment

Hydroponic farming is best for a sustainable environment and cropping. It’s the best tool to wield against food depletion, as it produces out of season food. Once you’ve built your very own hydroponic system there, you can now proceed to grow organic crops that are both tastier and healthier!

Plants are a very important part of life. They give us food and have a variety of medicinal importance. But they grow only naturally where their environmental conditions are met. Farming of crops also requires both land and labor, which occupies both space and money. So, there was a need to develop a modern-day method in order to solve these problems

Hydroponics is a technique developed to cultivate plants without the presence of soil. Here, plants are grown in an artificial medium that provides them both necessary nutrients and protection from pests and plant diseases. Now judging by the definition, you know that there isn’t a need to invest in land resources.

Working of a Hydroponic farming

These systems are placed in greenhouses that generally have glass roofs that allow light for photosynthesis.

These houses have long rows placed one on top of the other. In each row, plants are kept equidistant to each other. Their roots are placed in a special nutrient solution that contains all the resources that they require to grow. Hydroponic systems can regulate the temperature of the surrounding and pH.

Examples of Hydroponic farming

Nutrient Film Technique-

Here plants are placed on a support and roots are placed in the flowing nutrient medium.

Drip Hydroponics-

In this system, the nutrient medium is released drop by drop to the crops via pipes and tubes.


This system is built in such a way that crops are suspended in the air and they are then nutrients are sprayed on the root tips.

Advantages of Hydroponic farming

Hydroponics through challenging combat to deteriorate climatic changes; to cover the species eradication caused by wringing farming and utilization of soil.

Crops can be grown anywhere –

This is probably the best benefit of hydroponics as plants can be grown in an artificial setting outside of their habitat thus reducing the need to import crops from other places. Hydroponics makes farming cost efficient.

Cost Efficient –

Hydroponic systems have space well managed along with the assurance of not overcrowding. Long rows are built one on top of the other. So, more crops can be grown per square units. These are also a lot easier to maintain and certainly less tiring than a large field.

Although there is an initial investment required to build a greenhouse system, it is still better than purchasing huge plots of land for cultivation.

Higher and Healthier Yield –

As plants are grown equidistant to each other with each plant, they get the best possible nutrient resource and give better results. They grow taller, healthy and faster. Unlike traditional farming, plants don’t have to fight for nutrients and can all prosper well.

Better disease prevention –

Disease is an important issue that comes while cultivating any crop, as it significantly reduces the yield. Whereas in hydrophonic system we place the plants at equal space ,so they are less likely to pass on a disease when infected. Even if a plant gets infected, the problem can be easily recognized and rectified.

Better for Sustainable Development

hydroponic farming has many approaches that are sustainable for the environment . Hydroponic farming requires less than 10 percent of water as compared to watering field crops.

It also boosts the low water consumption; the triggering issue of the century. It works as a cost-friendly and feasible alternative to traditional farming. The rollability factor enhances the opportunity of resolving hunger issues. Hydroponic farming reins the weed production which is a lot worse in the case of traditional farming. The carbon-intensity deprives while using the technique as compared to the soil framing. You can reuse the nutritionist amalgamation by creating the least wastage and it can also be obtained by various sustainable resources.

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23 Replies to “Hydroponic Farming – Better for Sustainable environment

  1. I was not at all aware of this farming in so detail, thanks for sharing this informative post as it will really be helpful for our environment!!

  2. Wow this was a new info with me. hydroponic farming seems like a great option for sustainable environment . I really like the fact that Hydroponic farming requires less than 10 percent of water as compared to watering field crops.

  3. This is completely new for me. thanks for the complete information on this. yes, i feel its cost effective too. having required less water is one of the major point that this would be the best for us

  4. since plants can be grown in an artificial setting, it’s also a good way to promote farming where there are water issues. Informative post!!

  5. I knew this concept but not the specific name for it. This is a great way to achieve sustainable farming methods that employ natural and effective ways for better yield and energy consumption.

  6. Hydroponics is a fascinating way of farming. The good thing is that it is also an environmentally sustainable practice. This is a very informative post that throws light on so many aspects of Hydroponics farming.

  7. Cultivating plants without the presence of soil? Now that is so effing cool! Through your post, I’ve learnt something new today about hydroponic farming technique. Since my mother is interested in gardening, I’ll let her know about this technique.

  8. Drip irrigation has changed the arid character of Isreal and Arizona, they are now the most fertile lands with a yearly production of crops. Hydroponic is the future of farming, and many big educated farmers in Gujarat and Rajasthan have also enabled this system.

    1. Wow I had no idea about Hydroponic farming and it has such amazing benefits mainly being cost effective. Thanks for this post that I learned something new.

  9. Hydroponic farming seems to be a new thing as had not much heard about it. But definitely given the fact that our world needs more care and such sustainable type of farming helps as lot.

  10. There are lot of benefits in opting hydroponic farming. Like the space required for it is comparatively low. I really love the basic concept of a hydroponic farm is that water is substituted for soil and I am also growing many plats only in water following the concepts.

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