Air Pollution in Delhi Ncr: 5 Natural Ways to Keep Kids Safe

Photo by Atoms on Unsplash

Pollution is among the major reasons behind serious illnesses, and Delhi’s air quality is getting worse each passing day. In different parts of North India, the intense air pollution has not just affected the elderly but also younger kids. The Air Quality Index (AQI) has downgraded so bad that recently it was recorded to be above 400.

Some causes of Air pollution in Delhi are Diwali, and Post Diwali fire crackers,  burning of crops in the neighbouring states, etc. While another important point to consider is that out of the 20 worst cities for air quality in the whole world, half are in India alone!

How Does Air Pollution Affect Health Of Kids?

The growing pollution can affect the overall health of every age-group. Pollution shows symptoms immediately and the most common ones are coughing, wheezing, sneezing, being out of breath, chest constriction, and an increase of allergies and asthma.

While in the case of people having respiratory or cardiac conditions, these symptoms can get life threatening.

Talking about childrens, they are more susceptible to these problems, as they tend to breathe at a higher rate than grownups. Moreover, their smaller body weight makes them more vulnerable to the increasing pollution levels.

No doubt that the pollutants affect the kid’s lungs, but when looked at a broader picture, it can even cause lasting damage to their brains.  And children suffering from any existing heart, lung or asthmatic conditions are at greater risk.

Expecting quick changes in the municipal policies won’t be as effective as doing some steps for our betterment. In the meantime time when the pollution just keeps on getting worse; the health of our kids is obviously at stake. Hence, here are some tips to protect kids from air pollution you must look after!

Stay Indoors As Much As You Can

Staying indoors is among the most obvious solutions to avoid air pollution, especially during peak smog hours. Always try to limit your kids exposure to different activities, like visiting school or any emergency visits.

Buy The Right Air Mask

There are lots of masks available in the market, but not all of them are effective to avoid air pollution. The right air masks can help you fight air pollution, up to a certain extent.

For kids, use air masks made of comfortable fabrics like cotton that are ergonomically designed to cover the nose and lower face. Through this you can keep out dust, pollutants, bacteria and even some viruses away from your little one!

Keep your younger ones hydrated

Try keeping your little ones hydrated with good fluid like fruit juice, and fruits itself.  Intaking liquid is recommended for everyone in the family, especially kids in such weather conditions. Through this, the body gets detoxed and all the harmful chemicals get flushed out.

Place air purifying plants, beeswax candles, bamboo charcoals at the right corner of house

One of the natural ways to keep your home air clean is by having indoor plants that can purify air. You can try keeping small areca palm, aloe vera, azalea, or Tulsi as they all help to keep the air fresh inside the home.

You can also use beeswax candles as an alternative for purifying plants as they ionize the neutralize the intoxicants. Bamboo charcoals are also the best natural air purifiers because they have high absorption quality to remove toxins from the air.

Use Air Purifiers

The most ideal way to protect kids from air pollution is to use Air purifiers at home. If any of the family members are prone to asthma or allergies, then you must have it. Air purifiers help to purify air by removing harmful allergens along with tiny particles, to breathe and sleep better. If you want to take your kid outside for an emergency outing, you can have one in your car!

Apart from the above mentioned five tips, you should also avoid your kid to do any strenuous activity. Whenever kids play for a long time, or race alot, they get out of breath, and might end up breathing at a faster rate. Hence, the chances of inhaling pollutants increases. For this cause, you can also restrict sports and heavy activities for some days until the air gets cleaner.

Other than all these, eating the right food also plays a vital role in keeping kids safe from pollution. You must ensure that the food you are providing to your kid improves the immune system and makes them well nourished.

Fruits and vegetables having high contents of Vitamin C and Omega fatty acids is highly suggested! You can also make use of ginger and garlic in your everyday meal along with curd. The best home remedy to flush out intoxicants is jaggery itself.

Conclusively, practicing to protect kids from air pollution is a continuous process. You can make use of these tips when the smog gets too difficult to handle. Have patience, and stay well aware of the surroundings!


19 Replies to “Air Pollution in Delhi Ncr: 5 Natural Ways to Keep Kids Safe

  1. Air pollution is a really sad thing happening across but yes, we need to keep kids safe and I so agree with the tips you have shared!!

  2. Air pollution has always been one of the areas of concern for parents. We need to keep ourselves and our kids safe. I have heard of many indoor plants that works as air purifier.

  3. Gosh it’s that bad ah? No wonder my friend is fed up and dying to shift back to Bangalore. She says she hates the climate there. I didn’t know how bad the pollution was though.

  4. Polluted air is extremely dangerous and It is really important for parents to keep a check on their children specially when things are not in good shape right now. Good pointers by you. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great post and you had listed all possible ways to protect our kids and keep them safe from air pollution. I believe using plants that you suggested is best natural way to keep air quality clean.

  6. These are some really helpful ways to keep our kids safe during this time when air pollution is at a peak in Delhi NCR. We have also kept air-purifying plants inside our house.

  7. Pollution in India is a killer! Delhi is a hot bed. Very interesting and useful tips you have shared. I do have all the plants u listed out so I feel better already..what is bamboo charcoal and where can I source it?

    1. You pointed out so well. Waiting for the authorities to do something is not going to help achieve anything. Rather doing something by ourselves will definitely help us keep our kids safe

  8. Delhi NCr has added another season that Pollution season in the calendar. These tips are very doable and I am happy I do all of them. Due to pandemic we are at home and I need not make to understand kids about pollution levels that are doing rounds. I even feel we all need to collectively work towards it plus government plays a huge role as a decision makers they can surely curb it to a larger extent.

  9. You pointed out so well. Waiting for the authorities to do something is not going to help achieve anything. Rather doing something by ourselves will definitely help us keep our kids safe

  10. Air pollution is rising and how and you have shared great tips to help kids deal with the mess that we adults have created.

  11. Air pollution this time has actually crossed all the hazardous level + the coronavirus natural ways to beat air pollution can come handy however we definitely need something more sustainable and a long-term solution

  12. The Air quality is indeed quite alarming in Delhi. Thanks for sharing these tips. I have been keeping a lot of indoor plants which take care of the air quality inside my house. We have to invest in a good air purifier though.

  13. The Air quality is indeed quite alarming in Delhi. Thanks for sharing these tips. I have been keeping a lot of indoor plants which take care of the air quality inside my house. We have to invest in a good air purifier though….

  14. Great post. Here’s how I combatted the ill-effects of indoor pollution:
    1. Snake plant at home
    2. Air purifier with HEPA filter
    3. Consuming foods with important seasonal nutrients, like palak, methi, gajar, khajoor, nuts, etc.

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