Different Types of Mental Health Issues Women’s face

The pandemic was an eye-opener to many! The word Mental Disorder came into highlight, due to increasing stress, but What actually is Mental Wellness?

In simpler terms, Mental Health is related to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological wellness. If an individual is able to handle stress positively, and can make healthy choices without hurting it’s own and other’s life cycle, then they have a great mental well-being. A sound mental health helps an individual to work productively and fruitfully.

However, due to constant hustle-bustle in everyday life, it’s difficult to maintain a healthy balance.  Stress can happen to anyone at any stage of life, be it childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. But realizing and accepting that it is okay not to be okay is the key spirit to stay upright and on the right track.

Emotional vulnerability is among the major causes of stress, and that’s the reason why womens are more prone to get any mental illnesses than mens. Being a woman myself, I feel this everyday, and it’s not just me, but even the numbers display the same. Did you know  One of five women experiences mental problems at least once in their life? Yes, that’s the fact!

Womens become more sensitive while trying to gracefully carry out their lives. We try to do everything best in the most possible way to keep everyone around us happy. Be it from taking care of our families, or giving our best at the workplace.

However when it comes to taking care of our own self, we hesitate a lot, Don’t we? And in return all of this invites different types of mental issues like anxiety, mood swings, depression, eating disorders, stress, resulting in menstrual imbalances, and a lot more! 

Types of Mental Health Issues Women’s Face

Postpartum Depression:

After my delivery, I used to worry and cry a lot over small things. This made me reach out to my gynae, and she suggested expressing my problems; thus I shifted to my maternal house for a month. Postpartum depression occurs after childbirth due to dramatic drop in body hormones.

Many women staying in a neutral family, face this problem, as it’s difficult to take care of a baby all alone. Thankfully, my gynaecologist told me about this situation, and it helped me to come out of the situation sooner!

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder:

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder also called PMDD is a severe premenstrual syndrome affecting an individual’s lifestyle changes adversely. I personally didn’t go through this situation but this chronic condition is getting common nowadays. The symptoms of PMDD are experienced during the second half of the menstrual cycle and can last until menopause!


Depression impacts several areas of women’s life including relationship, career, social life, physical health, and a lot more. The symptoms of depression vary from mild to severe and can cause changes in sleeping and eating patterns. Some of my friends often had stress due to several reasons, but drawing on the support of others is very helpful under such cases!

Workplace stress :

Workplace stress is quite common in every individual’s life, and I personally felt this! I started working part-time, and it was not easy at all. After my maternity, I resumed my job, and faced a lot of inequalities. I became an easy target for not staying up late for meetings. Some days, I used to leave the office early, and as a result I didn’t get an expected raise in my salary.

On one side it was my child and on the other side the work pressure which I feel many women have got daunted by! I used to feel worried most of the times, and it took almost a year for me to accept the reality.

How Can Women Maintain Their Mental Health Issues Effectively:

Speak up about your depression:

Hiding your anxiety or depression may make it worse. Try to tell your problems, symptoms, and effects to anyone ready to listen to you. If you don’t feel like talking to a closer member of your family, you can take the help of a therapist. Psychotherapy is one of the effective ways to treat anxiety and clinical depression, as well.

Do more outdoor activities:

Outdoor activities not just make an individual physically fit, but also it has major benefits on mental health. Even after I don’t have any mental disorder or illness, I choose to go for long walks with my family once in the whole day to stay fit. Exercising release hormone called Endorphins, that boost up the overall energy and reduces pain.

Stay strict on caffeine:

Mental illness in women often oversee changes in eating habits. Caffeine intake causes headache, irritability, and fatigueness, leading to depressed mood. Instead of caffeinated products you can drink more water or juicy fruits to keep yourself hydrated.

Plan proper bedtime:

A lack of sleep worsen the symptoms of mental illness in womens, and can cause insomnia. You can try improving your sleep cycle naturally by following some simple tips. I often do a lot of physical activities throughout the day so that I get a sound sleep in the night. During mental illness, you must avoid large meals and try following a healthful diet!

Build a strategy for Indoor Activities:

Indoor activities are a must for those suffering through any mental illness, and for almost everyone. I try doing Meditation in the morning. Meditation is much needed for mindfulness and mental relaxation which I learnt through the gratitude workshop, I joined recently.

Planning my day beforehand, and practicing regular breathing exercises worked well for me. I often try doing enjoyable activities with my daughter like talking with her about her day, helping her with studies, during my break time, and hence even you can follow the same!

Anxiety or depression occurs in most women’s lives because of their hectic schedule and lack of stress and time management. If you feel like you are going through any mental health difficulties, don’t ever hesitate to talk to someone. It’s not a curse to be depressed or anxious, and the quicker you take action, the sooner you will get the results. Speak out your problems to a close member of your family before taking any medication, because emotional support matters a lot.

Live freely, because you live once!

This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter


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