How to practice Affirmations for Your Mental Health!

How to practice Affirmations for Your Mental Health!

Positive Affirmations are extremely helpful in changing your attitude and behavior pattern.It will also help in uplifting your mood and self esteem. It will not only helps one to change the mindset, but also brings a lot more focus, calmness and empathy in our lives. This is my second post in the series. In previous post we learnt about affirmations and type of affirmation we can adapt in our daily lifestyle.

How To Practice These Affirmation Statements?

In my last post we discussed how we can make our own affirmation statements . But let see how do you actually use them?

There’s no right or wrong answer, but these tips can help you make the most of them.Let’s discuss how to practice these affirmations to make them more powerful and effectively

Speak Out This Statements At least Twice A Day

Positive affirmations are much needed throughout the day, and in every thick and thins. Practice speaking all of it while waking up in the morning. There are no hard and fast rules about timing or frequency .Also, be grateful for whatever you did throughout the day before you sleep at night.

Repeat Each Affirmation Whenever You Will Feel Low

Listen to yourself while you say all these words, and stay mindful. Don’t just say it, because it’s suggested to, believe in each word that comes out of your mouth.

Ask Your Friend To Support You With This Initiative

Friends grow with each other in both good and bad times. And while you will practice all these with one of your closest friends, even they will help you to achieve your goal. Ask them to repeat these statements aloud with you, and surely it will be a fun task.

Make Positive Affirmation Cards

There is another yet simple way to remind yourself. Make your own affirmations cards and carry them around with you throughout your day. Just take a piece of paper or note card, scissors and a pen.

You can pop into your wallet, bag, or pocket that can be useful as a little reminder when you’re on the move. You can also stick them on refrigerators and anywhere which is easily visible.

Be Consistent and Patient

Never ever stop practicing affirmations in life. Make it a routine, and practice it while meditating, walking alone on the road, and while doing other necessary activities. Also, remember that anything takes time to happen.

Practice Positivity, Stay Happy!

‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter

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