Tips to Encourage Independent Play Time

independent play time

If you are a busy parent, it’s essential for you to teach your little one to have some independent play time so that they can entertain on their own. It’s quite a sanity-saver activity! Not just this, independent play time helps in developing both critical-thinking skills and creativity in your kids.

At first, encouraging the little one to play on their own can become a daunting task, but in reality, it’s way different. With plenty of patience and yes of course expert tips you can do this task very well and it will not take much time too!

Tips to encourage independent play time

Here are a few things you can try to help encourage your kid perform activities on their own –

1.Give them the right kind of attention:

Initially you have to make sure that your kid is getting enough and undivided attention at first while teaching. Even though you are teaching them to play independently, you have to devote most of your time to help them learn better.

2. Stick to a Routine

Plan a routine beforehand, you can do it a night before or in the morning too, whatever works best for you. Later, stick to that plan and inform your kid about the same, in this way, they will also learn the importance of sticking to a specific routine. 

3. Keep different Activities planned Only for Independent Play Times

I often keep a stash of games and activities specifically for independent playing. This trick is  basically for keeping the little one engaged and excited throughout the process. But you have to make sure that your little one will not have much access to the stash, and it’ll be a surprise for them.

4. Let Them play and Get Messier

The more the messier they will get, the more they will learn. Don’t scold your kid much if they get dirty. You can try some ideas like making a mud pie, put sand in a clear bin, or build a sandbox for them. You can also give them sprinklers, water balloons, or squirt guns. 

Benefits of Independent Play Time

When children play independently, they become well-rounded individuals as they learn many valuable lessons of life.  They totally enjoy whether they’re in large crowds or in small groups. Here are few more reasons why playing alone is important for children.

1) Teaches them to Entertainment themselves.

Kids who play by themselves don’t count on others for their happiness and entertainment. Sooner they will be more confident and satisfied individual.

2)Playing on Their Own Increases Creativity

Solo time fosters imagination. I don’t give too many toys which urges my daughter to really dig into whatever she is doing. I can see her trying new things, She colours her doll hairs and make her clothes out of the balloons. This encourages them to explore and discover a little without us.

3) Creates Routine, Discipline, & Security

Many mothers think that simply being near their child will bring security No matter how much you try, you have chores to do and lot of other stuff to do. When your kids know how to play by themselves, they realize you’re not ignoring them by not playing with them. This is one way to build a sense of security and confidence in them.

4) Gets Kids Ready for School

Giving alone time to kids is a must as they get school ready quickly. Don’t let them feel abandoned at first in the process, and let them live fully.

Initially your children can resist independent playtime &you can expect some tears and tantrums too.  The key is baby steps. Always Start small, initially My 2-year-old used to play for one hour willingly each morning then She’s used to it enjoy for long duration. Make it a regular part of your routine or rhythm and you will eventually see the results!

This year, I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  powered by 

I am writing 26 post in this series .Do check my earlier post

A: Anxiety in new mums

B: Breastfeeding

C: Crawling Skills

D: Dangers of Baby Walkers

E:Benefits of Bath Time for Cognitive and Emotional Development

F: Tips for Introducing Solid Foods to Babies

G – Gross motor skills

H-Ways to Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums


15 Replies to “Tips to Encourage Independent Play Time

  1. These are very handy tips for independent play. Very few kids do this actually. All parents should follow these rules. In nuclear families, it is the best way to keep a child occupied and away from screens.

  2. Kids when given proper instructions and freedom actually enjoy independent play. Once we let them know how, we can let them use their time the way they like.

  3. Independent play time in indeed the most productive time for the little ones, I really liked your recommendations

  4. Independent playtime helps teach independence, focus, and learning opportunities. I had always encouraged my kids to have independent playtime, this helped me understand their choices, their thoughts, their imaginations. Thanks for sharing a detailed post with tips and benefits.

  5. I am going to implement few of your tips. I don’t want my younger one to have too much of screen time, plus can’t keep her engage all the time too.

    I am also participating in A2Z, do Visit sometime.

  6. Great tips dear and I agree independent play offers lots of benefits for kids. but as you said we have to plan different set of activities as kids get bored easily with one type of play or activity.

  7. I consider the independent playing habit one of the best blessings for parents and kids as well. Yes, it takes lots of patience to make the kids learn about how to play? And to witness the things to get messy, but all are fine when the results that come are surreal.

  8. Independent playtime or free play is one of the most effective tools for the overall development of kids. It fosters independent thought press, a sense of responsibility, and confidence. Great suggestions and tips from you on how to gradually introduce independent playtime in your kids’ lives.

  9. These tips are so good and perfect for all parents, I just loved these practical tips you have shared!!

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