Depletion of Oxygen in surface waters, Poor soil quality, high levels of nitrates in drinking water, weed growth, and the list is endless! Did you know why we are facing all these problems? It’s because of us choosing excessive chemical fertilizers and manure over Organic Garden Fertilizers. And now it’s the high time to rely on environmentally friendly ways to garden, not only for our well-being, but also for the future generations.
Isn’t it all a win-win situation, like you won’t need to spend a lot of pennies, and on the plus side you will get nutrient-rich food. Adding more to the list, the veggies and fruits will be delicious, chemical-free, and you’ll save the environment too!
Apart from all these benefits, let’s understand that when you opt for all natural food, you are helping your family to stay healthier for life. Aside, Organic gardening will be a bit time-consuming, but not water-consuming, and that’s what matters the most, isn’t it? But how can you start with Organic gardening? Will you need special equipment, or different products? The answer is, No. You can do it all, from the comforts and the leftovers of your home. And to help you better, here are some quick ideas to start with Organic Garden Fertilizers.
Coffee Grounds
Coffee is not just the popular beverage of every house, but also has major benefits for the environment. What do you do with the left behind coffee grounds after it’s brewed? Most of them usually throw them out, but did you know that these grounds have calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and chromium, that can benefit a plant a lot?
With so many key minerals, Coffee grounds is the best Organic Garden Fertilizers for plants like blueberries, rhododendron, roses, and tomatoes. You can either sprinkle the grounds on the top, or can make the coffee and pour it in the garden. The best way to use these grounds is by soaking them up for at least a week, and then sprinkling it all in the garden.
Have you ever used lemons for your garden to maintain the acidity of soil for plants? Or tried sprinkling chemicals? Well there’s a cheaper way through which you can get the exact benefits. We all have eggs for breakfast, dinner, or for baking. Just wash out the eggshells, and crush them all in the garden. The reason behind using this is eggshells have over 93% calcium carbonate, which is lime’s scientific name. But do note that you will need shells in abundance to get measurable results.
Banana Peels
Bananas have the highest potassium levels as compared to all other fruits. Plants also need potassium for their growth, especially while making fruits or flowers. All you need to do is bury the peels alongside the plants and they will compost naturally. Also, for rose plants, use peels when the flower starts blooming, to help them get the right level of potassium for growth.
Orange Peels
Orange peels are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, and nitrogen. When used for plants, the peels will act as a pesticide, and mosquito deterrent, making the plant nutrient-rich. Just bury the peels in the soil, or sprinkle them around the plant everyday.
Cooking water
Cooking water promotes natural nutrients to the soil. Whenever you boil food like eggs, potatoes, rice, or pasta, let it cool for a while and then pour it into the soil. In this way you will not only provide nutrients to the plant but also help the soil to retain moisture.
How Organic Garden Fertilizers Will Save the Environment?
Now as you are aware of what best you can do with the leftovers, the next step is to understand in detail why Organic gardening is so serious?
As all these Organic Garden Fertilizers are made from plant and animal sources, it provides nutrients to plants and improves soil structure. And just after your soil has improved, you won’t need any kind of chemical fertilizers. The main benefit of improved soils is it holds more water in a better way which helps in conserving water. Also, as the compost is made from kitchen scraps, there won’t be much local landfills.
As an alternative to insecticides or herbicides, you can try vinegar, epsom salts, and Castile soaps. These all will protect your little crops from bees, butterflies, and birds, making your garden more safe!
So, now before throwing your kitchen scraps, think twice. Their place is to be in a garden and not in any waste bin. Make the best use of all these little opportunities, and help your own self, your family, plants, and undoubtedly the environment !
Happy Gardening!
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla, and generously SPONSORED BY Bugshield Clothing – Enjoy Outdoors More!
This post is part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter
I wasn’t aware that cooking water is good for plants. Thank you!
Hi Jyoti, great easy to do simple tips to nurture plants, very useful, thanks
Kitchen scraps can be a great fertilizer. I remember my Dad using banana peels and Cooking water for plants.
I also use the water used to wash rice and daal as my fertilizer, along with all the others you have suggested. I like the banana peels fertilizers the best though.
I know lot of people who make fertilizer from kitchen scrap.. It’s not difficult and I feel everyone should think about this more seriously if we care about our mother earth.
This is very useful. We always collect the kitchen scrap and use them as fertilizer. Or we create compost. I have never used cooking water and will try it next time.
Yes! we used to put eggshells in our garden in India..ill try the rest next time we go
These are some helpful ideas. I never thought we could use these food left overs as natural fertilisers will be on it to try.
I have used orange peels and even onion peels soaked in water. They make great fertilisers and the plants grow better too. Thanks for sharing other ideas. will try these simple tricks in my balcony pots.
So simple and easy things to do that can add nutrients to the plants. Many do home composting as well and use it for the plants. Infact we do waste segregation very well in our apartment and it is also composted excellently. It is used across the 22-acre property and also sold outside.
I ma new to home gardens and this is a gem of a post for me. I am definitely using all these tips for my garden. I was using only banana peels but now I know of so many options from this post.
Great information regarding fertilizers that can prepare at home so quickly. I use rice and dal water for my plants, Thanks a lot for giving me more fertilizers from kitchen scrap, the best place to visit for organic gardening lovers.
Very useful post-Jyoti. I have seen my mom doing this and in my childhood, I use to feel why is my mom throwing kitchen scraps in the garden..LOL.. later I realized its importance.
Such simple home ingredients which normally we throw away and ignore. Your list is very informative. I did not know any of these could be used as organic fertilizers.
It’s awesome that you have shared all these organic ways to fertilise the garden. I do use them all. Especially the banana peel I think is the best. Crushed eggshells are great for roses.
I did not know that these kitchen scraps are great fertilizers. Your list is informative!
Many thanks for this amazing information! Your post has come to me at the tight time. I have started a small.home garden from lockdown. Will take note of the above information
These are some helpful ideas. I never thought we could use these food left overs as natural fertilisers will be on it to try.
Very helpful ideas for using kitchen waste. I did not know about eggshells. I will definitely try these in my garden this summer.
This is such a useful and informative post, Jyoti. We need to avoid fertilizers, at least in our kitchen gardens. All these chemicals are doing no one good.
Kitchen scraps can be a great fertilizer. I remember my Dad using banana peels and Cooking water for plants.
A post which is full of information My mom used to crush egg shells and boil banana peel for plants.
Even the water used to wash rice is a very good souorce of nutrition for the plants. If you are a non vegetarian and do not have stray animals in your vicinity you can also use the water which you use to clean fish. Coconut husk is a good source of carbon for the plants and it also helps in keeping in check the soil quality.
Such a cool way to recycle food and kitchen waste and get rich soil in return. Thanks for this helpful post.
This is such an informative post Jyoti. I have always seen my mom use the vegetable waste in our balcony-garden ever since I was a child. And this is a practice that I carry from her. I must also mention that not only it paves the way for one to be conscious towards nature, but also it is extremely beneficial for the plants at our homes too.
These are some great suggestion. I have already used most of what you mentioned, the cooking water seems new will try that out
Amazing blog this is , I was aware of others but egg shell was something new. Thanks for sharing this