How to take care of Mental health of Tweens

Tween age is a risky age for mental health issues to arise as they undergo many challenges. This happens because their brain is still maturing. It is important for Tweens to have good mental health development so that they can build strong relationships, adapt to change, and deal with life’s challenges.

Benefits of good mental health

Tweens with good mental health

● Enjoy life, feel positive and stay happy

● Gets better after being disappointed and upset

● Have a healthy relationship with friends and family

● Exercise and eat healthy

● Involve in activities

● Have a sense of achievement .

● Relax and have a good night’s sleep.

Promoting good mental health in Tweens

Parents who maintains strong relationship with Tweens  can have a positive influence on their mental health. Here are the ways you can promote their good mental health.

● Showing interest and praising the child for their achievements in their life. Valuing their opinions and ideas.

● Enjoying spending time with the tweens not just as a family but also one-on-one.

● Encourage the conversation between you as parents and the kids. This way the kids don’t have to go through things alone

● Deal with problems at hand instead of letting them build-up

● Talk to trusted people like family members, friends, and teachers. On a professional level, parents can get help from GP and other professionals.

Physical health is also a part of Mental health

Here the ways parents can help their tweens with physical health

● Keep active, do exercise and this will make the kids more energetic.

● Developing and maintaining healthy eating habits.

● Getting regular sleep

● Avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and drugs should not be permitted unless the child turns 18. If the child still does it then consider going to a GP or health professional.

Signs tweens need help with mental health

It is very normal for tweens to experience mood swings, disturbed sleep, and low motivation. Not always a sign of mental health issues but if it continues for weeks then it might be worth talking to the child about. Getting professional is the next step. Warning signs you will notice

  • Feeling sad most of the time
  • Decreased school performance
  • Ongoing fears and worries
  • Pains and aches that don’t away go away easily
  • Loss of appetite and picky eating
  • Trouble fitting in school and making friends
  • Acting out and throwing tantrums
  • Sleep problems and nightmares


If the child complains about self-harm and suiciding then it is best to get professional help. Mental health issues do not go on their own and with better help from professionals, they can get better. Unmanaged mental health can affect tween’s well-being, physical health, schoolwork, relationships, and development – social, physical, educational, and vocational.

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Do read my previous article in these series of : “Parenting TweenS”

A: A transformative age called tweens

B: Parenting Tweens: A Balancing Act

C: Connecting with tweens :Emotionally and Physically



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