Parent-Child Bonding- Essential dos for the adults in this case

Bonding with your child definitely involves a lot of things as far as modern-day adults are concerned. For starters, you should certainly encourage your child to develop hobbies and interests based upon what he/she likes. Enrolling him/her in online kids classes like online kids painting or storytelling may also help. Apart from encouraging children to take part in fun activities for kids at Yellow Class and helping them with basic social skills, there are several tents towards building bonds with children from an early age onwards storytelling may also help.

Children’s development of social and cognitive skills is best backed by parenting styles which are more responsive and understanding. Responsiveness is the first good trait for building better bonds with children. Responsiveness helps in building a stronger future foundation for optimal development of kids particularly parenting. It offers a higher level of warmth and affection ,which is directly tied to the affective-emotional signals tapped by children

Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while bonding:

Show Love -It is important for Bonding

Love, affection and touch are required at each life stage for healthier neurological and emotional development. Make sure you show your love to your child through loving touches every day. Treat every interaction as a chance to connect better with your kid. Have warm expressions for greeting him/her while encouraging smiles and eye contact.

I Love You always works-

Saying I Love You is something that always works. Make sure you tell your children every day that you love them. Remind your child that they are loved unconditionally . Even when they do something wrong or commit a mistake.

Create proper rules and boundaries-

Children require proper guidance and structure. you should about what is expected from them .Always have age-suitable consequences established for breaking rules. Be consistent at all times without emotional fluctuations.

Listening and empathy builds better bonding

Connections are built through better listening. Acknowledge the feelings of your child, showing them that you understand them and reassure kids about being there to help always. Try and view everything from your kid’s point of view. Listening and empathy are the best ways to build mutual respect and closer bonds.

Playtime is a godsend-

Playing is vital for the development of children. This is the tool enabling children to develop their skills of language, creativity, expression and social skills alongside. This will help you strengthen bonds with your children if you play games together. Enjoying each other’s company is the key objective in this case.

Zero distraction-availability-

You can have some time kept aside each day for talking to your child without any distractions. Turn off televisions, put away gadgets and spend quality time with your kid. The child should know how he/she is a priority in your life and how you are always available to meet his/her emotional needs.

Eating together-

Eating together can strengthen bonds in the family, enhancing conversation and sharing. Encourage everyone to dine together, keeping all gadgets and distractions aside.

These are tips that will help you immensely in building better bonds with your children in the future.


24 Replies to “Parent-Child Bonding- Essential dos for the adults in this case

  1. All these pointers are surely to strengthen the parent-child bond. Zero distraction availability is like the magic wand. Every child irrespective of their age, crave for undivided attention from their parents.

  2. Couldn’t agree more on this. Certainly every pointers you have shared is on point that required to build the strong foundation of parent-child bond. And I am at happier place to see that we are following all these so diligently to make realize our kids how precious they are for us but discipline is something they have to imbibe in their lifestyles!

  3. Loved all the ideas and among all these, I feel giving zero distraction time to your kids is most important. nowadays we all are busy with our devices whole day and this thing create a negative impact on kids. giving them proper attention and time is key to make a loving bond with them.

  4. Spending quality time with kids is very essential even we have a room at home to eat together and I love the simple and very important apps which you have shared to have great quality time with kids.

  5. Spending time with your children should be considered special. All the tips mentioned are really helpful to improve the child-parent bond!

  6. Listening without any distraction and soothing dedicated time with kids are very rational for strong bonding. I agree with all the pointers. And yes love affection and touch is the key.

  7. Spending quality time with kiddo is must especially when we are driven by the technology, these are some helpful pointers. We prefer to read books during bed time to bond with our kiddo

  8. It’s indeed important for parents to take out time for the kids and to bond with them. Keeping various distractions aside while you spend time with your kids can be of great use. I loved the tips you have shared here.

  9. These are some excellent pointers in helping parents understand how bonding is essential in their child’s growth and how to develop a great bonding early on in life. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Isn’t it amazing that the strongest of bonds are formed over the simplest of things? Saying I love you to kids and being there for them is so important.

  11. The gift of time and empathy is the best gift a parent can give to kids. Bonding and communication is really essential for the inner development of the child. You have shared valuable insights on ways to do this.

  12. Coudn’t agree more on this. Spending time with kids is necessary just like its important to show your love and assure them with love and a sense of security.

  13. These tips are so vital buddy and need a timely reminder always. Glad you chose to reiterate them to all of us

  14. Like you I too can vouch for the Yellow Class sessions buddy, they are so ideal in these times and otherwise too always

  15. Loved reading this post, Jyoti. I couldn’t agree more that I Love You, always works 🙂 Spending quality time with our family is of utmost importance. Love, affection, and touch indeed work wonders.

  16. Getting involved in creative activities together serves most important two purposes for us – to engage kids in something worth their time and energy. Secondly, to make strong connections. We have done many such activities in the summer vacation time. Yellow Classes are great option to choose from.

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