Dealing with Your Tween Excessive Use of Phone

Technologies have without a doubt changed lives for the better. However, there is a looming risk when this technology lands in the hands of tween. At such a young age these electronic devices can develop into an unhealthy addiction. Due to these online classes these devices were essential part of their routines. But excessive use of phone have turned in to their addiction . These addiction can have many negative effects like body image issues ,low self esteem , anxiety , depression and many behavioral disorders.

So how to prevent tween from getting addicted to these gadgets and turning them into their lifeline? Well, 5 techniques will help do so.

Restrictions on the use of phones

Of course, this will not go down without a battle. Just like any addiction, there is a withdrawal and the kids will have their reaction naturally. Instead of snatching it away and irritating the child, try reasonable ways of approaching the idea. Limit the use of the phone during meal
times, family times and in the morning after waking up. Also, cut off phone use during late-night hours to ensure better sleep.
There are many apps available on smartphones, android, and iOS alike, that help parents monitor their kid’s time on their phones and prevent excessive use of phone

Introduce phone-free days

After restricting phone use try introducing phone-free days. This can be done so in family outings where there are already many distractions. On such family days, the whole family spends time with each other and doing things together.This will give the tween a significant amount of screen break. Although it does not have to go for 24 hours. Allow the kids to check their phones from time to time. This technique will affec thealth positively.

One device at a time

There are often when kids are on multiple screens at a time. Like watching TV while using the phone. One screen is bad enough that more than one can extremely harm their health.Multiple screens can be restricted for example while watching movies the phones should be
kept away, no use of the phone while doing homework on a laptop.

No phones in the bedroom

Most adults have a habit of using phones as their alarm clocks which means their phones stay next to their bed all night, it is natural the kids will follow the same ways. Having phones as a first interaction instead of humans can be bad. Try setting up a station where all the phones are charged for the night and only to be touched after all the greetings and common

Setting boundaries on social media

In this day and age where social media seems to be a must-have, apps like Facebook,Instagram, TikTok, and more are certainly off-limits for pre-teens. Despite this, kids still know how to download and use these apps. Age restriction on the apps by the parents can be implemented. If conscious decisions are made to bypass the age restrictions, then the
tweens’ actions should be closely monitored by the parents. Allowing a certain time to use these apps is also a better way of monitoring.


It isn’t easy to get tween to spend less time on their electronic gadgets. It takes hard work.As we all know that excessive use of phone can be harmful.So it is necessary to introduce healthy habits and development before they enter their teenage years.

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Do read my previous article in these series of : “Parenting TweenS”

A: A transformative age called tweens

B: Parenting Tweens: A Balancing Act

C: Connecting with tweens :Emotionally and Physically

D: Tween Discipline Tips and Strategies


6 Replies to “Dealing with Your Tween Excessive Use of Phone

  1. Screen time management is becoming a challenge for us now a days. Thanks for writing about this important topic

    1. Such a useful advice for the parents of teens. Being a mom of toddler, I have started following a few rules from now that no phone while eating, no net surfing in front of kids. You have mentioned all the points well and hope teens will also understand with the time how it affects them negatively too if the access is more.

  2. I am actually glad that my kids were born before the mobile addiction. You have shared wonderful ideas that parents of tweens will like to follow. There should be a limit on screens. My grandsons are given the mobile with the alarm on. Once it rings they have to return it.

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