Fun and safe ways to allow tween to explore their style

Kids of all ages have their imaginations when it comes to dressing. However, for a preteen, it is the age to express their identity through their style. At this age tween are peer pressured into things that may make them lose the unique way of self-expressing. This can lead to loss
of identity, self-confidence and cause emotional trauma. Parents can provide a fun way for these tween to explore their style freely.

Likes and dislikes of the kids

The best way to know what they like is to simply ask them. If they don’t like particular clothes that were bought by the parents then they should simply be asked the reason for disliking.Parents should encourage their children to point out any style they might be interested in trying.

Encourage style exploration

To keep the tween happy and boost self-esteem it is better to give them choice in styling themselves. Whether it is decorating their bedroom or choosing their backpack. It could be anything. Especially with girls as they adapt to new styles very quickly. From their dressing to their hair and also their nails. Tween girls love applying nail polishes and using fake nails.The removable fake nails are quite safe to use as they do not include harsh chemicals.

Supporting tween’s decision

It is ok if the kids prefer wearing clothes that are other than that available in the mainstream.This is the age where they are learning to express themselves and this will allow them to develop their style in a much healthier way. Discouraging them will cause their self-esteem
to drop. However, if their choices are inappropriate then try convincing them to choose an alternative or provide them with appropriate options with its advantages.

Artistic expressions can be emphasised

Art is one way of expressing one’s creativity and style. If a child is interested in arts, have their way of expressing their style through it instead of using words. The artistic skills and expression should be encouraged by the parents.

Building the tween’s self-esteem

you should allow kids to pick their clothing, matching accessories, and the hairstyles that they would wear along the day. Try explaining to them about the different body types before they get impacted negatively by influence rs. Allowing them to choose what to wear helps them figure out what works for them and what does not.


Letting the preteens choose their style independently is very important for their happiness and health development. However, if they struggle in exploring their style then the parents can help foster their self-expression. By communication, this can work out. The parents can
share their thoughts and the kids can express theirs. In this way, the children will will be able to choose their way of style safely.

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

Do read my previous article in these series of : “Parenting TweenS”

A: A transformative age called tweens

B: Parenting Tweens: A Balancing Act

C: Connecting with tweens :Emotionally and Physically


3 Replies to “Fun and safe ways to allow tween to explore their style

  1. The one thing I have learned in parenting is to respect our kid, even though he is a tiny human being as of now. Respecting their decisions, choices help build their self-esteem.

  2. Thank God I didnt have to go through tween issues. Sounds like a lot of issues with tweens too now. I think that communication should always be open and kids should feel comfortable discussing any issue with their parents. The style also should be a contribution of both..parent and child I feel. Kids do make bad choices so they need a bit of guidance.

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