One of the most common problems parents face is how they can get their kids to listen to them?. When your child doesn’t listen to you the first time and has to be called out to multiple times, you feel yourself trapped into cycle of “Repeat. Remind. Repeat. Remind.” And after some time, you feel powerless and you’re left screaming and discouraged. If you want to handle on this situation ,you need to do is figure out WHY your kid is NOT listening?
Why Don’t Kids Listen?
Kids have a lot on their minds, they also have different priorities, and they don’t understand at all why it’s so important to brush their teeth or bath right this minute! Children of all ages have a strong need for power. When children fail to exert their power in positive ways, they will exert their power in negative ways. So, children use their bodies and language to defy our requests.
Few Steps to Get Kids to Listen
Both kids and adults like to be seen and heard, and to help with this, here are a few tips you can follow –
Use eye contact and Get Down on Their Level
As a parent myself, both of these actions have helped me a lot to avoid and stop my little one’s misbehaviour. It truly works like magic. When both parents and kids match the level of conversation, and often use eye contact while having conversation, the speech gets more confident. Both of them can relate to each other. You can even try whispering, because the little one feels that I’m telling him a secret, and he listens to everything intently. Shouting from across the rooms is unlikely to get them to listen. It is important that you call out their name, walk in front of them, and look them in the eye before you ask them to do something
Try to Be Precise
Children like short, simple sentences and avoid overcomplicate instructions. Don’t say too much and try not to repeat instructions as it could make your child confused. They get the impression that it is okay to ignore the instructions as they will be mentioned again. Just be precise about your instructions.
Avoid speaking negative words
As mentioned previously, negative words can affect the little one’s self-esteem a lot. Kids often try to see good things in all the activity they are doing. Hence as a parent, you have to tell them they are good and other positive things about them, to help them stay positive mentally. You can also refrain speaking negative words like, good boy or bad girl.
Studies say that kids don’t want to listen “no” every time, as they start feeling low. Whenever parents constantly shout their little one like, don’t say this, or do this, they tend to do the same activity a lot. Hence you can try saying positive things like, “Talk softly please,” or “Make sure we walk to the sidewalk, instead of running, and then go to the playground.”
Set Expectations
You should know how and when to set expectations from your little one. Hence, only expect things that can be possibly done at best from their end. Let your kid know what you are expecting, and they will surely act likewise.
Give Some Time to Process Information
Children may need some time may be three to seven seconds to process what you have said. So, you need to wait a few seconds for them to respond back. Ask them to repeat back what you said that will ensure your child has heard you. If your child isn’t able to repeat his instructions, the chances are that they find it complicated and it is best if you break them down into simpler words.
Give Choices
Give your child some control of what they do or how they behave. Instead of saying “Finish your food” you can say “Do you want to finish your roti first or your milk?” This process will help them to exert their control and choices.
Listen to your child too
If you stare at your phone while your child tells you something, you are showing this is how communication is handled in your family. If you really want your child to listen to you, you need to pay full attention and stop what you’re doing. It only takes a few minutes. Start this when he’s toddler and he’ll still be willing to talk to you when he’s will come back from school. You’ll be so glad you did
Stay calm.
It is common for parents to lose their patience and cool if their children don’t listen to them. You need to understand that sometimes it is difficult to get your child to do everything that you want. But not getting frustrated when things are a little chaotic can set a great example for your kid. Your child will begin to understand that things can be done even without shouting or loosing calm.
As a parent, it’s completely our responsibility to shape and mould the children’s behaviour. You can make your kid happier, and positive, by trying the above-given tactics. Do understand that your little one is understanding this new whole world with you, and they won’t be able to express themselves completely at first, hence you have to thrive a lot!
This year, I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z powered by
I am writing 26 post in this series .Do check my earlier post
E:Benefits of Bath Time for Cognitive and Emotional Development
F: Tips for Introducing Solid Foods to Babies
H-Ways to Handle Toddler Temper Tantrums
I- Tips to Encourage Independent Play Time
K:Importance of Kisses and Hugs for The Little One
Keeping calm is important but sometimes the naughtiness holds no bar.
Listening to the child and not laughing over their reasoning is also important.
This is like the toughest task for Moms. Omg.
But the points you have highlighted are the best. Set expectations is a must and narrated well in your post.
Wonderful tips but I feel very few parents have the time and patience, these days. Parents should lead by example but most are busy with their cellphones.
I really liked the way you have recommended to understand the little one’s Thoughts and act accordingly. Lovely tips
These are superb and practical tips you have shared. It is definitely going to help a lot of parents.
I’m kinda glad violence wasn’t in this list. It may have worked for us on our age (a tight slap) but it should ideally have no place in a parent – child relationship I feel
I will surely use eye contact. Thanks for the tips
I am struggling a lot with my 2.2 years toddler. she is becoming stubborn now. Thanks for sharing the tips. Hope it will be helpful.
Great tips Jyoti, I feel it is very important to listen our kids before making any reaction . all the posts are going great in the series.
Eye contact, the precision of the statement, genuine praise for positive behavior, and being clear about the expectations, have been seen to be effective in many cases. But yes, we need to STAY CALM, above all!!
Keeping calm and eye contact sure has to be it. Wonderfully elaborated post
Deepika Sharma
Insightful practice to make toddlers listen. I like the pointer of offering kids options; it may work in the case of my 2YO daughter. Parenting is indeed an endless journey.
To make children listen is one of the toughest jobs today. Thanks for your pointers, many parents will be benefitted.
Kids have scarce patience and limited attention span. To make them listen is tough and we need to keep calm while respecting their and our time and mood.
I very much needed to hear this jyoti. Thank you for sharing this. Much helpful
These are some wonderful pointer to make them listen to us. Keeping calm, setting expectations are the key. Very well written post.
These are some great points. Listening to them and offering options helps a lot.
I try to avoid negative words. When we keep calm they would be calm too